Evenimente culturale Evenimente culturale


Saint George’s Church in Târgoviște


The Saint George Church in Târgoviște was built by Neagoe Basarab (1512-1521) in the first years of his reign. It was initially only 17 meters long and over time numerous restorations have been undertaken. In 2003, the interior restoration works showed that the church was built by the ruler Neagoe Basarab just above a slab-covered well, square in shape, with a bicephalous eagle in the center, each eagle's head holding a cross in its beak.

When the vault was discovered, two coins were found in it - the hungarian ludovic - dating from 1515.

The vault (pit dug in the ground; underground chamber) is unique in Wallachian architecture, the church of St. George being built by Neagoe Basarab as a shelter for the royal treasure.

You can find more stories from its tourist guide, Adriana Arsenoiu, which you can find at this tourist attraction from Wednesday to Sunday, between 08.00 and 12.00.

The church is located on 2 Suseni Street, Târgoviște.






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The BABEL Festival
The "Gheorghe Petraşcu" Biennial
The Folklore International Festival (September)
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