Evenimente culturale Evenimente culturale


The significance of September 26th


Saturday, September 26, marks 11 years since Voivode Neagoe Basarab was passed among the saints by the Romanian Orthodox Church. This moment coincided with the bringing of the relics of Saint Niphon to the Metropolitan Church of Târgoviște.

The two events had a strong symbolic charge, because St. Hierarch Nifon was the first saint canonized on the territory of our country (on August 16, 1517, in the time of Neagoe, at the consecration of the Argeș Monastery). In addition, St. Niphon, Patriarch of Constantinople and Metropolitan of Wallachia, shepherded the flock of Christ from Targoviste and was the spiritual guide of St. Neagoe Basarab.




The March Amulet Fair (Târgul de Mărţişor) (February-March)
Tudoriţa or Horses Easter (Paştele cailor) (March)
Easter Holidays (April-May)
Art4U school contest (May)
"W.A. Mozart" Instrumental Interpretation International Festival (May)
Live Puppets Festival (May-June)
The Night Attack (Atacul de Noapte) (June)
The Urban Culture Festival (June)
The BABEL Festival
The "Gheorghe Petraşcu" Biennial
The Folklore International Festival (September)
Folk Masters Fair (September)
Days of the Citadel of Târgovişte (September)
The Golden Chrysanthemum (Crizantema de Aur) (October)
"Moştenirea Văcăreştilor" national literature festival-contest (October-November)