Evenimente culturale Evenimente culturale


The consecration of the ”Izvorul Tămăduirii” Church


     On July 30, 1833, the "Izvorul Tămăduirii" Church was built, whose founders were slumlords with several professions (shoemakers, furriers, tailors, drapers, masons).

     Built in the vicinity of the Câmpulung Gate, where the "Târgul din Afară" operates, the church also became known as "Oborul Vechi".

     The place resembles to the Moldavian churches, painted on the outside, because the painting is unique, picturing almost all the saints, the prophets of the Old Testament, the sibyls, but also the Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.


The March Amulet Fair (Târgul de Mărţişor) (February-March)
Tudoriţa or Horses Easter (Paştele cailor) (March)
Easter Holidays (April-May)
Art4U school contest (May)
"W.A. Mozart" Instrumental Interpretation International Festival (May)
Live Puppets Festival (May-June)
The Night Attack (Atacul de Noapte) (June)
The Urban Culture Festival (June)
The BABEL Festival
The "Gheorghe Petraşcu" Biennial
The Folklore International Festival (September)
Folk Masters Fair (September)
Days of the Citadel of Târgovişte (September)
The Golden Chrysanthemum (Crizantema de Aur) (October)
"Moştenirea Văcăreştilor" national literature festival-contest (October-November)